Thursday, August 5, 2010

Negative Article About VitaminWater on Well-known Newspaper

The Huffinton Post published an article titled "The Dark Side of Vitaminwater". The important message IN THE WHOLE article breaks down to the following points taken directly from the article:
  • In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."
  • the product is basically sugar-water, to which about a penny's worth of synthetic vitamins have been added. And the amount of sugar is not trivial. A bottle of vitaminwater contains 33 grams of sugar, making it more akin to a soft drink than to a healthy beverage.
  • How many people with weight problems have consumed products like vitaminwater in the mistaken belief that the product was nutritionally positive and carried no caloric consequences? How many have thought that consuming vitaminwater was a smart choice from a weight-loss perspective? The very name "vitaminwater" suggests that the product is simply water with added nutrients, disguising the fact that it's actually full of added sugar

Please don't believe everything you hear in advertisements... and even more importantly, do not believe that because it is sold in a store it is safe, effective, and healthy.

Our suggestion
For vitamins and minerals, try this Multivitamin and Multimineral Supplement. It is not derived from plants... IT IS A PLANT! Completely standardized, no synthetic or mined ingredients and packs a huge amount of essential phytochemicals.

For accelerated fat excess fat elimination, try this Whey Protein Blend and Meal Replacement Drink. Whey protein blend backed by double-blind placebo-controlled and open label studies.

Contact us for more information. Also available a sports endurance product that is backed by double-blind placebo-controlled studies.

Article [Huffington Post]: The Dark Side of Vitaminwater

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Medical Social Security will Destroy Mexico's Economy

According to a recent article on CNN Mexico, "The Mexican population has grown 7 times in the past 100 years, but lives longer". The article states that "In a century, the Mexican population grew 700%, and at the same time life expectancy went from 25 to 75 years of age".

This sounds like good news, but their not.

With the population increase grows environmental decay and the decay in the quality of our foods. Example: 100 people will contaminate any habitat more than 1. What about our foods? Have your grandparents ever told you about how life was at the ranch or town in which they lived? It was a calm life full of walks from one side of the town to the other... It was a time when your neighbor was the one with who grew avocados and that's where you purchased them. Ripe, freshly picked, and of course, full of nutrients. There were no cars to contaminate the air, or planes that dropped exhaust on the masses. Dirty/contaminated air was the dust picked up by the wind or kicked up by a passing horse.

But that type of lifestyle has vanished with increased population. There are more and more larger companies that come in with modes of transportation that aggressively attack our environment and leave us with contaminants that make us sick. These large companies also introduce foods that never ripen before they are picked. So that Mexicans can get bananas from Ecuador, those bananas had to have been separated from the plant before they ripened. The problem is that nutrients are introduced to the fruits en the last 48 hours of ripening. If it isn't connected it will never receive the nutrients it is supposed to have. The very same nutrients that help us stay healthy.

Problem in Mexico
With increased age com many chronic problems. Medical Social Security in Mexico will not be able to take care of the population's medical needs. It is impossible, because these types of treatment cost a lot of money. With an increase in population and a prolonged lifespan, treatment costs will skyrocket, and it will be the end of Medical Social Security in Mexico. Or, if not... it will be the end of the country. It will be an economic impact from which it will not be able to recover. We sincerely believe that the Mexican government will change its laws in the near future.

All this because the people will suffer from more health issues. They won't have sufficient money to pay private doctors and will have to depend on the government.

Citzens, it's in your hands
The country is made or destroyed according the its citizen's actions. And what the Mexican citizens need to do in this case is to take control of their own health. You have to think about prevention and not wait until you are sick to start taking corrective measurements.

The people have let themselves be influenced by advertisement and marketing. The country renowned for its delicious fruit juices is now one of the top soda consumers in the world. The country that exports a lot of produce to the US only consumes vegetables in hamburgers or juices from foreign companies. Mexico has the second largest obese population in the world (only behind the US). But this will change in the next generations. Yes! Mexico has the highest child obesity rate in the world! When they grow up, they will become the most obese adults as well. We need to adopt a Mediterranean style diet in which 70% of the food is in the form of raw produce (salads, vegetables, fruits, etc). Oils and meats that are rich sources of Omega-3 are consumed. The cheeses are fresh and the wines or beers are drunk, in moderation, with meals because enzymes in them help with digestion.

What happened to our fresh salsas? Now it is common to buy them in cans at the supermarket.

Let's stop eating the burgers, the sodas, and the candies. These are candies like before with a little bit of peanut and caramel. In which EVERYONE in the world can pronounce the ingredients. Now they are candy with colors and preservatives that only a biochemist can pronounce the ingredients of. Without a biochemistry degree it is near impossible to pronounce certain ingredients... much less know what they are, or know what they do to the body.

We need to return to a state of physical activity. A recent study found that the longer you sit (prolonged time) the shorter you'll live. And it doesn't matter how much exercise you do. The human body needs to move around. Think of the times when humans didn't have refrigerators or neighborhood stores a few steps from where we live. We had to hunt, climb trees, or dig to obtain our foods. There were no matches, lighters, or stoves that created instantaneous fire... It was a great task to start a campfire with stick or rocks.

And finally, you need to supplement. Science recognizes that it is impossible to get the necessary nutrients that your body needs to be healthy through diet alone. This is why Harvard's Medical School came out with a food pyramid that included "supplements for most". We have to think about an optimal health system that supports the cell in it's 5 physiological needs.

Making decisions has to do with much more than yourself! What you eat and what you buy at the supermarket is what your kids will eat and what they will buy in the supermarket. Change your eating habits today and you will change the your health and that of your future generations.

There is a way to get the products from the optimal health system for free. Get in touch with us today to learn details about this refund program.

[CNN México] (Spanish): The Mexican population has grown 7 times in the past 100 years, but lives longer
[ScienceDaily]: More Time Spent Sitting Linked to Higher Risk of Death; Risk Found to Be Independent of Physical Activity Level

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The problem with Most Vegetarians

The doctor sometimes says, "you should eat less red meat," or may suggest that you eliminate it altogether.

A lot of people think that it would be good to eliminate all types of meats and maybe even have a greater health benefit by becoming vegetarians.

The problem of becoming a vegetarian
The problem is that most of these people don't know about eating habits that held by true vegetarians. They did not have parents who taught them, from a young age, how to combine food, what can be eaten at what times, quantity (portions), and many other things one would normally learn about the kitchen/food from parents.

Usually, the first error is the substitution of meats with breads and pastas. Breads and pastas bring the highest feeling of satiety to new vegetarians. A recent study confirmed that eating more carbohydrates and less fats increased cardiovascular risk. It is hard to acknowledge this, but many vegetarians are overweight because of this.

The solution
The solution almost never lies in completely eliminating a food group. Instead of red meat, one could benefit from eating chicken or turkey. Fish is also an excellent source of protein and essential omega-3 fats.

Carbohydrates we eat should come, primarily, from fruits and vegetables. It is important to consider the glycemic index of each one so we do not overeat.

A nutrition like the Mediterranean diet is highly recommended because the majority of the food consumed are raw fruits and vegetables. There is also a high intake of oils like olive oil. Fish is eaten often and of course, some physical activity is recommended.

Let's also take into account that, genetically, some people are not compatible with a meat-free diet.

A deficiency in some nutrients (especially some vitamin B's) is often seen in people who do not eat meat. These people could benefit from a natural multivitamin that is plant-based.

Article [MedlinePlus] (Spanish):

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stop Drinking your Protein Supplement Until you Read This

In it's July 2010 issue, Consumer Reports has issue a statement of concern against 15 very popular protein drinks.

The report indicates that the protein may be unnecessary and that there are heavy metal contaminants in these popular protein drinks.

It is very important that you not purchase ANY supplement based on price. If you are looking to save money, don't buy anything. As mentioned in the "Homeopathic and Allopathic Approaches" page on our site, "In May of 2009, Sports Illustrated published an article that mentioned that there are more than 5,000 companies that sell supplements 'but only a dozen companies have volunteered their products for certification.' Without this certification, you are playing a form of Russian roulette."

Unnecessary protein
What do they mean? Aren't soy and whey protein good for everyone? The protein is good, however the American diet already offers more than the recommended .8grams of protein for every kg in weight (1kg = 2.2lb). The body does not store excess protein. When you drink this (especially close a meal) the body will use as much as it can for muscle. If there is an excess, it will convert as much as it can (and as much as it needs to) into glucose, the rest is immediately removed from the body via urine. So most of the protein simply passes through your body without doing anything. You are literally peeing your money away (as with most supplements that are not absorbed by the body).

This is very bad. Inexpensive supplements are very likely to not follow Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) protocols. This allows for a variation in nutritional content from dose to dose but even worse... It allows for contaminant, in this case heavy (lethal) metals, because there is no process set into place that removes these and later checks before packaging. There have been several reports of people overdosing on vitamins and minerals because a pill had 200 times the amount that the label said. The product is not standardized... Some pills could have a lot more than supposed to and some pills could have none. But heavy metals should never be present. Do not purchase products based on price because one supplement is almost never the same as the next.

Heavy metals can kill you.

Our recommendation
That you try this whey protein blend. The manufacturer follows the strictest GMPs for all of their products. It has since the beginning. It is one of those 12 companies that Sports Illustrated says have voluntarily asked for NSF International certification. While not all of the products have been evaluated by NSF International those that have, passed with flying colors. All products are manufactured by the same quality assurance guidelines (it just takes time and a lot of money to get all products certified). This will eliminate the heavy metal scare...

But what about the fact that we are already getting enough protein? These scientists thought of that. They found active peptides in whey protein and removed them using natural enzymes. A peptides is a shorter chain of amino acids than a protein. Most of the whey protein is discarded in the process. Instead, you get a serving of the specific amino acids that have been scientifically proven to help eliminate fat and reduce muscle loss during diet and exercise.

This advanced peptide technology has four mechanism by which it aids in fat loss.

[Consumer Reports]: Alert: Protein drinks
[Sun Warrior Blog]: Arsenic in Your Protein Shake?

Still not convinced that this whey protein blend is superior to other "similar" products sold in stores? This product comes with a 6 month money back guarantee... Who else believes in their products enough to offer a guarantee like this? Contact us for more information, including a video with a scientific explanation of how the product works and three clinical trials that were completed before the product was released.

Friday, June 4, 2010

News Report: 2yr Old Baby Smoke 2 Packs a Day. Why did so many of you get mad at the parents?

A few days ago this video of a two year old smoking 40 cigarettes a day was sent all over the web.

The kid started to smoke because his father TAUGHT him to smoke. Critics said the parents should be thrown in jail, other said they should get the "s**t slapped out of them", and so on. We agree...

But it got us thinking...
Shouldn't we do the same to parents who TEACH their kids about happy meals and that fast foods are okay to consume?

After all, certain health experts believe that "One French fry is worse for you than one cigarette, so swapping your pack for an extra value meal a day is NOT a good choice."1

Lesson to learn
Kids don't know about fast food vs health food. They simply trust you and believe in what you teach them. But once you get addicting chemicals in them (as are found in cigarettes and fast food2) they will, as the video says, "gets crazy, screaming, banging his head on the floor, even getting sick if he doesn't get his two packs a day". Next time your kid throws a fit because he would rather eat chicken nuggets for breakfast, you know why.

And no one is to blame but you (the parent) for teaching them this unhealthy habit that may have got them hooked for life

[1] Mercola, J. Healthbit. Twitter. 7:00 AM Jun 2nd via HootSuite.

[2] Junk Food 'Addiction' May Be Real

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Food... As Medicine?

Surprising statement, no? But why? After all, Hippocrates (an ancient Greek considered to be the father of modern-day medicine) is quoted as saying, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".

So it was no surprise to us when we read a recent article from Medical News Today that talked about how doctors are turning to food high in soy protein, phytosterols, and other nutrients as a means to fight metabolic syndrome. "Doctors are stymied about how to treat it. Billions of dollars are spent on it-unnecessarily" is what the article says. Stymied is a synonym of stumped.

According to the article, metabolic syndrome is "the simultaneous occurrence of any three or more of the following five conditions: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abdominal obesity, low HDL ("good") cholesterol, or high triglycerides".

The Result of the Study
"The research findings indicate that this combination of plant-based nutrients can be a powerful enhancement to lifestyle therapy." This indicates that improving your eating habits, increasing your daily activity, and ingesting a higher quantity of certain nutrients can in fact reverse many problems that are literally stumping doctors who strictly prescribe medications to their patients with metabolic syndrome.

Survey Results
The article also provides survey results... Unfortunately, they "indicate that physicians feel ill-equipped to help their patients make significant lifestyle changes that will improve their health. Rather, their training and education prepare them to prescribe multiple drugs or even surgery."

Don't wait... It is your responsibility and not that of your doctor(s). Change your eating habit. Participants in this study were fed "low glycemic load Mediterranean-style diet" and encouraged to do "regular, moderate exercise". But remember that key nutrients are essential to see increased results.

Article [Medical News Today]: Food Fight! Battling The Effects Of Unhealthy Diets-with Food!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bacteria and Obesity

In numerous posts before we have stated that obesity has very little to do with calories going in vs calories going out.

We have pointed you in the direction of maintaining a healthy body and the body will consume its accumulated fat as it needs to, in a slow and healthy manner. No drugs, no tricks, just give the body what it needs, stop giving it what it doesn't need, and increase your activity.

But these lifestyle changes will only get you so far. You need to supplement. First, with our peptide blend. Next, with our antioxidants and phytosterols. And now, research published this morning suggests that you will also benefit from taking a probiotic.

See... There are several systems that have a say in how much fat you burn and how much you store. Your endocrine system (hormones) has a lot to do with this. It almost completely dictates what to store, when, and where. If a single hormone in any of these processes is off, it will manifest as either too much store or excessively fast utilization. The circulatory system takes care of moving the fats that for burning or storage. The digestive system breaks down the food we eat and releases essential nutrients.

It is in the digestive system that probiotics do their job... In the gut! We have millions of bacteria inside the gut and we needs to replenish them on a regular basis. According to the study, "The researchers also found that in people with certain genetic variations in taste receptor genes, a low level of bacterial diversity in the gut correlated with a higher likelihood of obesity, while a high level of bacterial diversity correlated with a lower likelihood of obesity."

The more diverse of a culture you have in your intestine, the better. See, in the gut, these bacteria will compete with one another for resources (foods we eat). And when one is dying off, another kinds will rush in and take their food and kill it off. Bacteria are at constant war with each other for resources. They want to survive along with their "family" (same bacterial types).

Article [Medical News Today]:

There are lots of probiotic supplements sold in stores... Sad thing is that the majority of these do not have a full spectrum of bacteria and in many cases, the bacteria is dead because there was little or no food added to the capsules or the powders.

Our probiotic supplement is guaranteed to have live bacteria. Contact us for a quick explanation this probiotic supplement, our fat-loss system, or our optimal health system.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Huge Steps in Glycomics & Glycobiolgy

As defined on our web site, glycobiology "refers to the study of biological sugars". Glycomics encompasses the method by which these sugars are studied.

For years we have known about genetics which is the study of genes. We have also known about proteomics which is the study of proteins. These fields are extremely complicated to understand but incredibly easy to study in the sense that DNA and protein sequences can (and have been for many years) be synthesized because of molecule association.

Let me explain. DNA has three major components:
  1. Deoxyribose (a 5-carbon sugar; D in DNA)
  2. Phosphate (creates bond between deoxyribose molecues to form backbone)
  3. Nucleic Acids (A, C, G, T; NA in DNA)
A is for adenine, C for cytosine, G for guanine, T for thymine. Hydrogen bonds between these four nucleotides hold DNA's double helix together as can be seen in this picture:

Pay close attention and you will notices that a big nucleotide (purine) always binds to a small nucleotide (pyrimidine). The specificity goes into even more exactitude! Not only can you predict that an A and G will always bind to a C or T, but you can predict that an A will ALWAYS bind to a T and a G will ALWAYS bind to a G. That's just the way it is. In DNA, no other nucleotides are present and other combination exists. Geneticists can fairly easily (although concept or procedure might be complex for non-biologists).

The same predictability is true in the study of proteins (proteomics). An amino acid has two end points which can attach to other amino acids to form (not fold) an oligopeptide, a true peptide, or a protein. Here is a list of the 20 amino acids in the human body:

Do you see the H3N+ and COO- at the top of each of the diagrams? The amino group (H3N+) from one amino acid will ALWAYS bind to the carboxylic acid group (COO-) of another. The only exception is when folding, other interactions can occur between sides groups but the protein backbone (line of H3N+ to COO-) linkages between amino acids) is not modified during fold/unfolding. Again, having a predictable pattern for linkage has facilitated the creation of proteins in labs for research purposes.

Sugar on the other hand has no such predictability... Or at least it didn't. Yesterday, ScienceDaily reported that scientists from the University of Georgia had found a way to synthesize complex carbohydrate structures in a much faster, more accurate process than ever before.

Why is this important?
Direct quote from article:
"The emerging field of glycomics has been severely hampered by a lack of robust, well-defined libraries of carbohydrate molecules, which are greatly needed to decipher the 'carbohydrate codes' used by cells for processes such as cell signaling, embryogenesis and neuronal development," said Pamela Marino, director of the glycobiology portfolio at the NIH's National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

This article linked to a similar article (March 23, 2009) in which German scientists boasted of having created "a device that builds these intricate [sugar] molecules in a few hours — rather than the months or years required with existing technology." This second article talks about the direct links to possible vaccines and medications that can spawn from this advancement.

Article [ScienceDaily]: New Method for Producing 'Libraries' of Important Carbohydrate Molecules
Article [ScienceDaily]: First Automated Carbohydrate 'Assembly Line' Opens Door To New Field Of Medicine

It's time you look at sugar a different way. Not all sugar is sucrose (table sugar) or glucose (fuel source and responsible for insulin secretion). No... Instead, glycobiology has been referred to by many prominent doctors as the latest frontier in medical and scientific research. To learn more about it, visit our site. Glyconutrients are eight essential sugars commonly found on surfaces of cells in the human body.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Subliminal Messages in Food Labels II

On March 14th of this year, we wrote about six food claims that may be easily manipulated by vendors and marketers.

Recently we came across an article on The Daily Green website that listed 5 additional areas of concern that were not mentioned in the article we previously wrote about. These are:

  1. Ingredients - Companies will often break up ingredients by name and not by substance. Ingredients are listed in order, from highest to lowest, of amount present in product. The example given is sugar. No one wants to say their single-most ingredient is sugar. So manufacturers will break it down into things like high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, glucose, white grape juice concentrate. These are all different ways to say sugar with an extremely high glycemic index, sugar with a high glycemic index, sugar with a high glycemic index respectively.

  2. Serving Size - Many times what we think are single serving packages actually contain more than one serving. Example soda. While it may be easy to carry a 12oz soda can or 12-20oz plastic bottle, the "Standar Serving Size" is 8oz. So there are 1.5 servings in a soda can and 2.5 in a 20oz bottle. Be sure to multiply nutritional values by that much when thinking of consuming the whole thing.

  3. Omega-3 - There are two ways a product which contains Omega-3 can advertise that it has Omega-3. One is by saying it contains Omgega-3's and another is by indicating that the product can reduce risk of coronary heart disease. To make the health claim the product must contain Omega-3's but must also be low in saturated fats and other risk factors. Be careful... "Omega-3" does not necessarily mean that the product is good for you (or your heart).

  4. 0 Trans Fat - Read the label! Many products that openly advertise "0 Trans Fats" have high amounts (replaced trans fats) of saturated fats. Saturated fats are essentially just as bad.

  5. Free Range Eggs - There is no way to determine if this is true as the government has not regulated this claim for eggs.

Aticle [The Daily Green]: 9 Food Label Lies

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Scientific Reasoning Behind Drinking Diet Soda

Well, there is none!

Ask people who drink diet soda and they will probably answer one or all of the reasons below for why they drink them. We asked someone who happened to tweet about going out for a Diet Coke:
  1. They like soda but do not want the added sugar.

  2. They are recommended in all diets (for losing weight).
It is possible that there is a third reason, which did not come from this specific twitter user but from knowing quite a few diabetics. Diet soda, because it lacks sugar, is better for diabetics and therefore recommended by many nutritionists and doctors.

These reasons sound valid but consider the following:
Sugar is a substance that you body knows and can get rid of. Whatever is used to sweeten sugar-free drinks is chemical-based and may do more harm than sugar because it is foreign to your body.

Here are responses to the three reasons listed above:
  1. Do you really "like" soda or are you addicted to it? Recent research has indicated that many unhealthy foods trigger similar effects in your brain as does cocaine and heroine.1 What you may interpret as necessary and something you like can in fact be the same exact way a drug addict justifies using more drugs (please note that cocaine and heroin are considered hard drugs).

  2. A lot of nutritionists, dietitians, and doctors recommend diet sodas to their patients. The idea is that a lower intake of sugar will lower the patients' weight gain. There is no evidence that this is so. In fact, research indicates that diet soda INCREASES your appetite.2 Seems to completely contradict the purpose of getting on a diet (we won't even get into how awful these short term weight-loss diets are for you).

  3. Lastly, diet soda for diabetics. Makes sense, right? Less sugar, better management of blood glucose levels, right? This morning when we read a retweet by @AnnChildersMD that said diet soda is now linked to metabolic syndrome and type two diabetes. The article, which is on the National Health Institute's news health website3 says "A new study has implicated meat, fried food and, surprisingly, diet soda in the development of metabolic syndrome." We looked for the actual study and found one that dates back to April of 2009. They concluded that "consumption of diet soda at least daily was associated with significantly greater risks of select incident metabolic syndrome components and type 2 diabetes."
Our Thoughts
If you like drinking soda, analyze the reason why you like it. Stop drinking it for a month and see if you crave it. This is the only way you will know if you are in complete control. If you at any point in time miss it, be careful because you may only THINK you like it. The body is amazing that way.

Why do health professionals suggest drinking diet soda for weight loss? Simple. They are misinformed. This is a fairly new study and most practicing professionals graduated before 2009 and probably have never sat down to catch up on new discoveries in the health field. Stop drinking soda for a month and see if your appetite decreases.

Diabetics... It is time you stop drinking (and eating) what you like, and you start drinking (and eating) what you have to. There is no simple way to sugar coat that message. That's it. You need to stop and take control. Here's an analogy that might help. Would you put diet soda (or regular soda) in your car's gas tank? I think you answered "no". Why? Your car doesn't run on soda! It's almost ridiculous to have to explain that one, right? Guess what... Your body doesn't run on soda either. Do you care more about your car than you do your body?

Our message
Stop drinking sodas altogether. There are plenty of alternatives. What ever happened to homemade lemon aide (real, you squeeze lemons add the water and brown sugar)? What about this quick and easy (2 minute) delicious strawberry and blueberry drink:

Start taking care of you as much as you take care of your car.

If you are interested in your health and nutrition, follow us on twitter (@glycotrainer) and subscribe to the RSS Feed that belong to this blog and our site,

[1] Junk Food 'Addiction' May Be Real

[2] People who drink diet soft drinks don't lose weight. In fact, they gain weight, a new study shows,2933,159579,00.html

[3] NIH News in Health

[4] PubMed :: Diet soda intake and risk of incident metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How Often do You Eat Canned Tuna?

Heavy metals have deposited into our oceans where all marine life end up eating them. The bigger the fish, the more metal it contains because it accumulates metals from the organisms it eats.

Animals are, for the most part, unable to get rid of heavy metals like mercury and lead. These circulate through the blood until they deposit in the brain. When an organism eats another smaller organism (like a tuna fish eating a smaller fish) the larger retains the heavy metals. When you eat the larger fish, you in turn store the heavy metals in the fish.

So, what's the big deal?
Metal conducts electricity. Our brain communicates via the central nervous system largely by electrical signals. With these heavy metal deposit, your brain literally short circuits and signals do not reach target cells.

Recently, "tests on more than 300 samples of canned tuna from the top three brands in the United States revealed that more than half contained mercury levels above what's considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency." Yes, 55% of the samples were highly contaminated with mercury above accepted levels.

"The health effects of mercury poisoning include central nervous system damage, hearing loss and vision problems."

The FDA currently suggest that NO MORE than 6 ounces of fish be consumed per week because of this problem.

And according to the researchers, "White typically has greater levels of the toxin than light."

Article [MedlinePlus]: Tests Show Top Tuna Brands Have High Mercury Levels

This same problem exists in omega 3 supplements because they are taken from fish. Contact us to find out about an omega 3 supplement that undergoes a patented, double molecular distillation process to ensure it is the cleanest in existence.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Study: BMI Fails to Detect Obesity

If you follow us on Twitter, read our blog regularly, or visit our site with frequency you quickly noticed that we oppose the use of weight and calorie measurements for those wanting to achieve a leaner, more healthy (fat-free) body.

Now, a recent study determined that there is a "A Massive Underdiagnosis of Obesity When Using Body Mass Index (BMI)"

What is BMI?
The Department of Health and Human Services has a BMI calculator where you enter your height and weight (in English or metric), you click the "Compute BMI" button and it returns the appropriate value. This value is calculated in the following two ways:

(weight in pounds * 703 ) / height in inches2

weight in kilograms / height in meters2

So, What's the Problem?
This seems like a pretty easy way to calculate something, right? The problem is that "the something" you are calculating has absolutely no bearing on the fat content in your body. Consider the following extremes:

It is possible that these two people have the same BMI. They only have to have some combination where the weight divided by the height is equal in each of them.

What the BMI fails to consider is that weight is irrelevant to measuring how much fat you actually have stored in your body.

How Your Weight is Determined
Taking an equal size of each, the following is true (ordered by mass/weight - density):
Bone > Muscle > Water > Fat

In other words, the guy on the right who may have higher bone density (good thing), more muscles (good thing), and perfectly hydrated (good thing) could weight as much or more than someone who has poor bone density, less muscle mass, completely dehydrated, but had 100 pounds of fat.

Please stop weighing yourself. It does a lot more harm than good.

Contact us for information about our fat loss program.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why isn't it Good to Drink Water or Another Liquid During Meals?

I was asked this same question by three people this week and it's possible that other people who follow me on twitter (@glycotrainer) thought the same thing but didn't work up the courage o simply forgot to ask for an explanation.

The Answer
The stomach is similar to a chemistry container. Whatever we put into our mouth enter the stomach and it is forced to dismantle everything in the quickest way possible so it can pass through to the large intestine (for more information about the digestive tract, visit our Gastrointestinal Tract page).

The stomach has two main components to destroy what get into it, acids and enzymes. As soon as something reaches the stomach, it is attacked and degraded by enzymes and acid while the stomach begins to squeeze GENTLY with the hope that it will accelerate the process (just like stirring a glass of salt and water so it dissolves more quickly).

In chemistry, water is used to dilute solutions of all types (including enzyme and acid solutions of all sorts of concentrations). The more water that is added in the lab, the least concentrated and potent each solution becomes.

It's the same thing in the stomach. Water enters and dilutes the enzymes and acids, making the stomach work harder for a longer period of time in digesting what it has to digest.

A lot of people's digestion can be improved by the addition of a fiber supplement, one with enzymes, and a probiotic supplement.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Glycobiology & Synthetic Bacteria

For years we have said that the future of medical and health-related research is in the study of sugars and sugar-containing molecules (ie. glycoproteins, glycolipids, etc.).

"Researchers have devised a way to attach sugars to proteins using unique biological and chemical methods. This means that large quantities of different glycoproteins can be generated for various medical and biological studies."

Recently, a paper was published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology in which it was reported that a bacteria (Campylobacter) could do something that was believed could only be done by animal/plant cells (eukaryotes). E. coli has always been used for research but is unable to glycosylate (add monosaccharides to other molecules).

"PhD student Flavio Schwarz from Professor Markus Aebi's group at the Institute of Microbiology of ETH-Zurich and researchers from the University of Maryland have developed a new method for producing glycoproteins." They have taken the glycosylation mechanism from Campylobacter and introduced it to E. coli. E. Coli will now be able to glycosylate.

What is so important about glycosylated molecules like glycoproteins?
"If you want to study host-pathogen interactions, for instance, you need pure samples of a particular glycoprotein, whereas natural systems can only offer researchers a highly complex blend of such substances." ALL pathogens interact and attach to human cells through carbohydrates on glycosylated structures.

"Glycoproteins play a crucial role in biology. They are found more frequently on the surface of cells than 'normal' proteins and they participate in numerous cellular processes, such as cell to cell communication. They are present throughout the human body, also in mucus, and the different glycosylation of blood proteins contribute to define the blood group antigen." Cell to cell communication is also called intercelullar communication.

What does the future hold?
"...has great potential for the development of new cancer treatments. These therapeutic glycoproteins can be produced specifically-tailored to remain in the bloodstream longer while targeting cancerous cells." The immune system uses glycoproteins to distinguish between rogue and normal cells.

"For now, we have simply managed to prove that our concept works. It remains to be seen what potential practical applications it might have," says Flavio Schwarz from the Life Science Zurich Graduate School."

Article [ScienceDaily: Synthetic Biology: Engineered Bacteria

Related Information
Essential Monosaccharides
Intercellular Communication

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oatmeal isn't Enough

I came across a blog the other day that stated that oatmeal consumption prevented heart disease, in addition to its well-known effect of reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.

First of all, it's not oatmeal that does the above, it's fiber. I do believe we all need to eat healthier and I love whole-grain, natural (not instant and certainly not microwaveable) oatmeal. When I make it I usually slice a banana, add strawberries, add a touch of honey, or a little blue agave. And I certainly believe that oatmeal is an integral part of a healthy diet. HOWEVER, it is not enough.

You cannot believe that you will see significant improvement in your health if you have oatmeal for breakfast once a week (this is a much higher frequency than what most people I know eat).

Why Isn't Oatmeal Enough?
Certainly oatmeal has benefits beyond fiber. And I believe in eating a variety of foods. But as pertains to the health claims above, it is important to isolate those to fiber (as most phytochemicals are destroyed when the oatmeal is cooked). According to this fiber calculator a 32 year old adult male needs 32 grams of fiber per day.

Oatmeal has, based on the sources I found online, betweet 2 and 3.5 grams of fiber. Can you eat 10 bowls per day (if we consider 3.5 grams per serving). Oatmeal has one of the highest fiber concentrations in foods, meaning that you would HAVE to eat much, much more of other foods.

There is no question about it, the fiber found in oatmeal is not enough. You need a fiber supplement.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Subliminal Messages in Food Labels

Okay... So it's more of a marketing twist than actual subliminal messages that marketers use to deliver us the information we need.

Yes, food labels provide you with just about everything you need to know about the food you are eating. But it's the way they tell about what you're eating that may be the problem. It could be a sales pitch or rewording something so it doesn't sound harmful.

The New York Times published an article about "Six Meaningless Claims on Food Labels". There is A LOT more that you need to know about food labels but this provides a great starting point. Maybe we can follow this a post with a more complete one in the future.

Here are the six claims the article points out:

  1. Lightly-sweetened - Anyone can claim this and not be subjected to any federal regulation. The FDA has only placed regulations on "sugar free" and "no sugar added". A few weeks ago I saw a Frosted Flakes carton that claimed to have "reduced sugar". I though "that's awesome! I love Frosted Flakes and now w/ reduced sugar! I wonder if it tastes the same." Just now, I looked up nutritional info for regular and this reduced sugar product. Note the red marks I made. The first is in caloric intake. It's higher in the reduced sugar one! There are no nutritional changes, except for sodium and potassium (salts that are higher in the reduced sugar version). Next, the carbohydrate content. Fiber stayed the same. Would Kellog's please explain "Other carbohydrates"?

  2. Good source of fiber - Companies want to save money. It's a fact of doing business. They add fiber in the cheapest way possible. Fiber added to most products don't come from sources that are known to have beneficial fiber... soluble fiber. Instead, these product have isolated fibers that haven't been proven to lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels, or fat/carbohydrate absorption rates.

  3. Strengthens your Immune System - Be careful. This claim refers to ingredients and not the product. In nature, 1 + 1 usually doesn't equal 2. If the food isn't a whole food, like an apple or a tomato, it is virtually impossible to determine the actual effect on the immune system (unless scientific studies have been done on that specific product).

  4. Made with Real Fruit - Fruit may be present in extremely small quantities and may often be different from that marketed on the box. As ridiculous as it may sound, technically, with a single raisin, this claim is true.

  5. Made with whole grains - If whole wheat grain isn't the first ingredient on the list of ingredients, then it is not made from whole wheat grain. The ingredients appear in order of amount present in the product.

  6. All Natural - There is no regulation as to what "all natural" means. This is something that we face in the nutritional supplement industry where mined minerals are considered natural because they occur naturally in nature. Guess what, mercury and lead may also be considered natural. It's the same for foods. Fructose and fructose syrup occur naturally. Although, as pointed by the NYT article, the chemical and manufacturing process should not be considered natural.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Study: New weight loss aid?

On February 18th, it was reported that isoleucine, an amino acid, could have a lot to do with weight loss.

In our "Your Body May Not Let You Lose Weight" blog post, we listed four mechanisms by which an advanced protein peptide technology can help you eliminate unwanted fat from your body.

The very first mechanism is:
Protein synthesis - provides three branched amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) essential for your body to make protein

This study has EVERYTHING to do with isoleucine and fat metabolism. Scientists took mice and fed them a diet that consisted of 45% fat for six weeks. Mice were separated and placed into groups after the second week. One group was administered isoleucine in their drinking water while the other was administered a placebo in the water.

Results: reduced fat deposits and increased fat metabolism (among other results).

"Researchers suggest that isoleucine could effective in treating obesity."

Article [Medline Plus]: ¿Una nueva ayuda para perder peso?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Successful European Webinar :: Glyconutrient Success Stories

Today, during the meeting w/ the European group, I was reminded about the greatness of glyconutrients. Congratulations to all participants.

Because our European associates are unable to make our evening (North American times) webinars, we scheduled one exclusively for them. The presentation was complete science based (as some European doctors had been invited by our associates). Some North American associates went on, however. It always helps to have collaboration from leaders. We are proud to say glyconutrients are making an impact worldwide.

There were a lot of success stories related to health. Both sides of the Atlantic had stories that ranged from weight loss to more serious health conditions. One of the participants, a psychiatrist was so touched by the stories he was telling that he cried during a couple of them. The first about a little boy who wasn't able to walk before. And when describing that the boy was now taking steps (assisted) he almost couldn't continue. He said, "I'm sorry but I learned that was impossible. Nothing ever prepared me for this". He then went on to talk about a friend of his (a woman) and her improvement with a chronic cellular proliferation problem and then about another child who had learning problems. But then, at the end, he started talking about a female family member of his who suffered from a similar chronic cellular proliferation problem as the other lady. This time, he simply said that it was a family member with this type of problem, and it was too much for him. He excused himself, said the emotional joy and awe couldn't let him continue. He handed the microphone back to the host.

Seriously... How good do our products have to be for us to offer a 6-month money back guarantee (minus shipping costs)? Contact us for more details.

Monday, February 15, 2010

CNN Mexico wouldn't let me Comment... I did a Blog Post

On February 11 of this year, CNN Mexico published an article about obesity in Mexico. It is an excellent article because it makes us reflect and take action against fat.

Cardiologist Jaime Burkle talked about obesity and how the consumption of lots of calories and a sedentary life leads to the accumulation of fat and finally to insulin resistance (diabetes type II).

"We now understand that diets high in calories and sedentary lifestyles overstimulate the production of insulin and at some point, the cells, saturated with sugar, begin to resist this hormone", he says.

The doctor makes a good point when talking about the production of insulin and a resistance to it. But more important than the quantity of calories, it has to do with the quantity of foods with a high glycemic index that are consumed. Because these are absorbed rapidly into the bloodstream, the body produces a lot of insulin so it can get into the cells and not remain in the blood.

A lot of insulin means excess of energy. Which is precisely why "ovens" are turned off and the body begins to store what it can as fat (in fatty tissues) and glycogen (primarily in liver and kidneys).

I would like to add the following to his recommendations:

1) Keep two rules in mind when reading food labels: 1.- Read the ingredients. If you cannot pronounce them, you shouldn't eat them (and it doesn't count if you're a biochemist). 2.- The least number of ingredients, the better.
- Example: When I happen to buy chips (very rare) I buy Fritos because the ingredients are salt, corn, oil.

2) Do everything possible so that raw fruits and vegetables are 70% of what you eat. See the new food pyramid that Harvard Medical School suggested. You will need supplements.

3) Aerobic exercise is very good and we should all walk AT LEAST the 3 or 4 days that Dr. Burkle suggests. But fat (our opponent) is consumed by muscles. It is important that you strengthen your muscles somehow. The best way is with weights, but you can start by doing push-ups, sit-ups, and squats as soon as you wake up (before ever leaving the room).

Article: "Fat people are no longer seen as jolly"

Survey: Water and Lemon in the Morning

It is believed that a glass of water w/ half a lemon (or lime) squeezed into it, first thing in the morning (at least an hour before breakfast) increases the activity of certain detoxification enzymes in the liver.

Do you do it? If yes, where did you hear about it and when did you start? If no, is this the first time you've heard of this or had you hear it but just have never done it?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Study About Apples

A new scientific study suggests why the old saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor may be true.

We know that apples are great and tasty snacks. They great sources of fiber (with the average having 3.3g - fiber only exists in the skin) and are an excellent alternative to candy as their crunch and sweet taste are deceptively fun and healthy for kids.

But a recent study conducted by microbiologists from the University of Denmark's National Food Institute found that apples may be incredible prebiotics! More specifically, the fiber from the apple skin (pectin) was found to help intestinal flora (friendly bacteria) create a pH environment that is ideal for probiotic growth.

Full article: How the Apple Keeps the Doctor Away

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Presentation "Challenge against Fat" Was Highly Successful!

Last night the glycotrainer team held a virtual presentation in Spanish focused on fat loss.

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it last night to this virtual presentation about how fat is handled and eliminated in the body. It was such a success that we are thinking about hosting a follow up presentation (or series) about this topic and maybe go into more detail about other topics which were mentioned, like reducing certain sugars from your diet or the reduction and increase of certain fats (fatty acids), etc.

If you were unable to be with us, you'll have an opportunity to be part of the next one. Send a friend request through Facebook ( or become a fan of our fan page so you don't miss the invitation.

Interesting points from the presentation

Monday, February 1, 2010

Are you Satisfied with your Results?

Are you tired of seeing the same health results?

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." ~ Anthony Robbins

You HAVE to change something to get different results. That only makes sense, right? Take your health into your own hands TODAY! Think, "what can make me stand out and have a different results than I (or others) have had in the past?"

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

Take the first step. Contact us and let us know you're ready for change!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Your Body May Not Let You Lose Weight

It's true! Your body is equipped with mechanisms that will allow it stay in an environment it thinks it needs to be in (homeostasis).

That is why it's no surprise that the scientific study discussed on You Can't Burn Just Fat reports that even when taking a supplement that promises to burn fat, your body will convert stored glucose into fat.

It is precisely this that separates our Whey Protein Blend from the rest. IT IS DIFFERENT from all other whey proteins on the market, and we have the double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials to prove it! Unlike whole whey protein products which are sold for building muscle mass, this exclusive peptide technology only has branches from whey protein (subsets) that have proven to accelerate the breakdown of fat (lipolysis) - the bulk of the whey was discarded. The mix was then enriched with calcium and magnesium (from plan sources, not salts, mined, or chemical).

This exclusive peptide technology has four very healthy mechanisms of action required for optimal fat loss:
  1. Protein synthesis - provides three branched amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) essential for your body to make protein
  2. Inhibition ACE - angiotensin-converting enzyme promotes storage/accumulation of fat. By inhibiting it, it loses it's ability to store fat, thereby preventing the formation of new fat cells.
  3. * Promostes production of CCK - cholecystokinin is secreted by gland after you have consumed some food (some fats or proteins) and send signal to the brain telling it that you are satisfied and to stop making you fell hungry
  4. Calcitrophic Hormone Regulation - regulates whether you will burn the fat or not.
* If taken 20 minutes before meals, as is recommended. Product can be taken at any time (before, during, after meals) twice a day. But you gain a mechanisms by taking it 20 minutes before a meal.

Two test groups told to log food intake to see actual caloric intake. Told to reduce by 500 calories. Told to do increase activity. Told to take product (or placebo) twice a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Both groups dropped almost the same amount of weight. But those who took peptide product lose almost twice as much fat per pound lost when compared to control group.

If you struggle with weight loss, even after dieting and doing exercise, you need this product. You will undoubtedly benefit from the four action mechanisms described above. Contact us now and receive a 6 month, full money back guarantee.