A lot of people think that it would be good to eliminate all types of meats and maybe even have a greater health benefit by becoming vegetarians.
The problem of becoming a vegetarian
The problem is that most of these people don't know about eating habits that held by true vegetarians. They did not have parents who taught them, from a young age, how to combine food, what can be eaten at what times, quantity (portions), and many other things one would normally learn about the kitchen/food from parents.
Usually, the first error is the substitution of meats with breads and pastas. Breads and pastas bring the highest feeling of satiety to new vegetarians. A recent study confirmed that eating more carbohydrates and less fats increased cardiovascular risk. It is hard to acknowledge this, but many vegetarians are overweight because of this.
The solution
The solution almost never lies in completely eliminating a food group. Instead of red meat, one could benefit from eating chicken or turkey. Fish is also an excellent source of protein and essential omega-3 fats.
Carbohydrates we eat should come, primarily, from fruits and vegetables. It is important to consider the glycemic index of each one so we do not overeat.
A nutrition like the Mediterranean diet is highly recommended because the majority of the food consumed are raw fruits and vegetables. There is also a high intake of oils like olive oil. Fish is eaten often and of course, some physical activity is recommended.
Let's also take into account that, genetically, some people are not compatible with a meat-free diet.
A deficiency in some nutrients (especially some vitamin B's) is often seen in people who do not eat meat. These people could benefit from a natural multivitamin that is plant-based.
Article [MedlinePlus] (Spanish): http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/news/fullstory_97633.html
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