The study was conducted in 2009 and found that kids had elevated blood pressure after watching television. This study came to a very interesting conclusion: "Sedentary activity was not significantly related to systolic blood pressure [the top number in a reading] or diastolic [bottom number] blood pressure...However, TV viewing and screen time, but not computer use, were positively associated with both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure."
The researchers also concluded that because "total objective sedentary time was not associated with elevated blood pressure, it appears that other factors, which occur during excessive screen time, should also be considered in the context of sedentary behavior and elevated blood pressure development in children."
Important Facts
The children were sedentary an average of 5 hours per day.
They watched television an average of 1.5 hours per day.
How much time are your children sedentary every day?
How much time do your children spend watching television?
Link to article:
[USNews.com / Health]: Young Kids' Screen Time May Raise Blood Pressure
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