Our Suggestion/Strategy Remains the Same
For years we have done our best to steer people away from the "quick, short-term diet" mentality and towards a "learn about healthy habits and how to incorporate them into your life" way of thinking.
There are many well-known reasons why this is a much better strategy. In essence, ANYTHING that sets a time limit should be cautiously considered. Instead of buying a 5-day, two-week, or two-month diet or workout plan, look into a long-term commitment.
We understand nutritionists and other professionals from the wellness industry have good intentions when they tell their clients exactly what to eat. We feel it is better to TEACH these clients HOW to eat. Take the time to teach them how to manage quantities and how to rotate foods so that a wider variety of nutrients are ingested.
We challenge all health & wellness professionals to have your clients/patients depend on you ONLY for information and not for meal and exercise plans. Instead of handing them a list of foods to eat at specific times during the next few weeks, sit down and explain how THEY should construct a meal plan. Teach them about the glycemic index, proper exercise, and how to calculate the amount of water each needs to drink.
We challenge clients/patients who go to weight-loss professionals to not take these prepared diet regimens. Instead, ask HOW YOU can construct a meal plan on your own. If you only learn that "you need to eat this at this time and come back for a new plan in three weeks" you will never be in control of your health. And, as suggested in this study, you may struggle with weighloss and possibly do more harm than good. Bottom line, your health and wellbeing is no one else's responsibility but your own. Go on GlycoTrainer.com and spend 30 to 60 minutes a day reading and learning about your body, nutrition, and physical activity.
If you have already changed your eating habits and have started to exercise but are disappointed about your results, contact us. Our fitness and weight management products are fantastic. Our whey protein blend is backed by numerous clinical studies where it has proven to aid in fat burn (50% more than with diet and exercise alone).
[Medical News Today]: Weight Loss Focus Is Ineffective And Harmful, Study Suggests - Focus On Improving Health Status Instead
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